Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 3- (on 4 hours of sleep)

Going on 4 hours of sleep, we weren't sure of how Tuesday was going to pan out.  Cherine and I normally take a picture of us waiting in the mornings every day.  Today, when Allison and I came down the steps into the lobby, Chris was yelling from the door that the Purple Team was heading to the bus.  What?  We are 15 minutes early.  Really?

We do have a great team again this year.  We had met some new people and some from last year stayed on the Purple Team.  Will, who is going to WVU med school next month is a god-son of Dr. Pauli.  He drove up from Charlotte and ended up on the Delta flights with Allison & I.  When I took this picture I thought he was sleeping.  I went back to his seat and went to snap the pic and as soon as I did, he smiled!  BUSTED!
Robin (Dr. Pauli's wife) was preparing her exhausted look so early in the day!
It didn't take us long to get to our destination today, which made the Purple team VERY happy.  We set up fairly quickly and I got a quick pic with Dr. Pauli.
We ended up setting up in a covered room that was beside a 'convienence store'.  If you could call it that.  The roof was made from bamboo or sugar cane.  Not really any walls but a door made from the same bamboo or sugarcane stalks.  You could see for miles and the houses/huts that were stacked pretty much all over the place.

As we got set up and started seeing patients, you could tell that the word was getting out.  People were coming from everywhere.  We were told that lots of people were working and that they would be in the area after lunch time.
The pharmacy had 4 suitcases.  Its kind of a systematic approach.  And Chris had it pretty much ready to go.  We made some minor adjustments and tried to set a system set up where the flow would be good.
This was on the platform that we operated from.  It was good that we had a roof AND that there was a breeze.
Allison again, pretty much kept things running.  She picked up on the whole process, how to dispense certain meds by age and who got what.  Pretty impressive since she had never been exposed to any of this before 2 days ago.
Little did we know that the bamboo stalk that was holding up some sort of roofage, was covered in the tiniest of ants.  Not sure what type of ants, but Brad freaked out when we said something and then he chose to squirt spray his shirt with Off.  Not his arms, face or anything else but just his shirt.  After that, we never had to tell him again.
Diane and I decided to take a break while Allison kept on keeping on.  She did such a fantastic job and the word had gotten out to the other teams about my daughter keeping us all in line!  Cracking the whip, I believe someone said!
After the day was done, again, we had cranked out over 350 patients.  We went outside to get more air and to just relax for a bit before loading the bus back up.  Allison (Dr. Pauli's daughter), Will, my Allison and Brad!
This was taken in front of the area that we had set up.  Brad, Allison, Tom, Will and Allison.  Great team!

Allison is trying too keep Chris in line.  She knows who can and who cannot get Albendazole!  You only have to tell her once!
Total patient count for today-362!  Wow!  Which means we probably filled over 1000 individual prescriptions!  Amazing!
After all was done, the guys, thankfully, carried the suitcases back to the bus.  Each one of them weighed in again, at over 70 pounds!  Im so glad we have them! (Can you tell that was selfish?)
Before getting on the bus....Allison, Brad, me, Tim, JT, Diane and Dr. Abraham.  A great group!
Dr. Czech came this year.  She is making it through and since we all made it through Monday, Im sure whatever is in store, we can all conquer!  I told her I was going to get a picture of this and put it on Dr. Tehrani's desk! 
So let me go back a second and tell you that on the way to our location, all three buses were following each other.  We were going to be within a mile of each other but not working at the same exact spot.  So as our bus tried to go up a hill, we ended up having to back down.  Well the back end was about to go over a hill and the bus behind us (that Cherine happened to be on) starting honking...so everyone on our bus started yelling "NO MAS-NO MAS"..... needless to say, we made it out of there so on the way back, Allison thought of this picture!
Driving back out of "Tent City" I saw this on the side of the building that was at the entrance.  If it wouls have been a C in Carolina it would have been perfect.
The ride out of this area was just as interesting.  We about took out a bamboo fence trying to turn this corner.  I did look over and see cows, which leads me to believe that I am not eating dog or guinea pig every night.  They dont have anywhere to roam and it looks like they don't have much of a day, since there is no where to go.
The houses that we seem to always pass, seem to look the same.  Not sure where everyone works and there always seems to be 'stores' with drinks/candy,etc. in them.  Not sure who owns them and not sure workers, etc.  its very strange.
On the ride back, everyone was getting tired.  Bob was helping Dr. Pauli to stay upright!  Actually after Monday, we were all still trying to get caught up on sleep!
Finally got back to the hotel, showered and were definately ready for dinner.  We got to eat out on the terrace which you could get to from our floor!  Yeah!  We are a pretty cool bunch!  Weather was perfect.  This is their winter season, Im not sure I would like to be here in the summer!

After dinner, a few people wanted to run by Iguana Park, so we headed over and walked through and then headed to the riverfront to see the water.  We just walked around for about 10 minutes and then headed back.  Definately NOT doing the Lighthouse tonight!
On the way back we stopped, again, in the government building area and took a picture.  We needed to get the entire statue in the picture for you to get the full effect of how big it was.  Cherine's idea of crossing the legs.  Im really not sure why!
So as you notice Phil in the picture above....also note that this fountain below is the same one that Cherine and Allison were drinking out yesterday! ha ha ha (Psssst...they really were NOT going to the bathroom in the fountain)
So as we cross back over to where we are a block away from the fountain, Allison realizes that Phil is missing.  I immediately stop and say 'we have to go back'. Brad and I took off, dodging traffic, crossing the street and found him in the drop off on the other side.
Luckily, Brad was certified in CPR and was able to revive him without breaking anything.  NOW Allison was happy again!  We defiantely couldn't have left Phil behind!
So back to room 101.  All the medical teams suitcases get stored in room 101 every night.  Every night, the teams have to go through and divide up and even out medicines.  Each team goes through different meds and most of the time runs out of certain ones, so we try to balance out everyones after all the teams are back.

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