My sister has suggested counseling, my sister has concerns about her relationship with HER husband and the stress that its adding to her family including my niece and nephew. I have listened to how my brother-in-law has chosen these neighbors over his own family. I have listened to Pam cry to pour out what else could she do in order to save her marriage. I have heard from her that Jon left, but then, because he didn't have anywhere to go, wanted Pam to take the kids to my moms to stay so he could stay in the house. I have talked to her numerous nights where Jon is, but of course, at Chris and Traceys. I have heard from Pam, Jons side of it in that they are friends. Friends DO NOT interfere in a relationship. Friends don't call their friends spouses' ugly names. Names which I can't even write on here. Friends know that when they have overstepped the line and are causing issues in a relationship, they back off. Not these neighbors.
I have asked Pam several times why they don't have any other friends. Jon cannot go 24 hours without talking to one of them. Yes I know that sometimes your spouse has friends but is it usually with the husband AND wife? None, that I know of.
When Pam questioned Jon adding Tracey as a friend on Facebook, because Jon questioned Pam adding Jeanine, instead of Jon either taking Tracey off or telling Tracey that it wasn't such a good idea...what does he do? He deletes his whole profile. GROW UP! You can bitch to your wife because she won't accept Tracey because of her stressing my sister out but you can't confront Tracey? Yeah, makes alot of sense.
So now I am fighting that everyone living in INDIAN HEAD subdivision in St. Albans, West Virginia, can stop by and tell them to GET A LIFE.
Recently, my lovely brother-in-law sent an email 'introducing' Tracey and Pam... hello? What part of my sister telling you that she doesn't want anything to do with them do you not understand? I was shocked as to the lengths he will go in order to try to force Pam to be friends. ALL he cares about is working out for Tracey and Chris. Nothing about fixing his MARRIED relationship, you know, the one he has with 2 CHILDREN!
So recently, Tracey became a child and answered Jon's email back to Jon and Pam...
Heres her email , for which you will see my comments throughout.....
I debated about writing a response to this bazaar yet very meaningful and touching email for 24 hours now. (yeah, lets took you that long to figure out how you could make yourself look like you haven't done anything) I’ve thought about what I would say if given the opportunity to say it, I guess this is an opportunity. My first response was to point fingers, my second was to vent anger, and my third was to try and state my position. (of course, because we all know that you haven't done ANYTHING) I realized quickly that pointing fingers isn’t going to solve anything and would only complicate the matter. I wanted to vent anger because I have a lot and realized to turn this into a dog fight would also only complicate matters and again nothing get resolved. To state my position, (who gave you a position? Im sorry, the last time I checked, Jon was MARRIED to my sister..who gives you a position or puts you somewhere where you actually feel like you have a say?) also wouldn’t solve anything, people are always going to believe what they want to believe and normally that consist of the gossip, (Gossip? You are too interested in saying anything bad about my sister, also if you had a brain in that head of yours, you would walk away) the bad or worst in another.
So I guess I’m going to speak from my heart being good or bad and see where this avenue will go…. My biggest struggle right now is the point these relationships (maybe you should define what a relationship is? Friendship relationships are way different that marriage relationships..which brings me back to the question...Why don't you have any OTHER friends, Tracey? Why isn't there ONE other human breathing soul that you spend time with?) have come too and done so unnecessarily. (Unnecessarily? Maybe you should ask about that one? Unnecessarily to who? You? Oh, yeah thats right....its all about Chris and Tracey not my sister who happens to be married to the man you lust after and any amount of time you can dictate is more AWAY from his family. Until divorce papers are signed, you stupid fat bitch, the number one priority relationship should be his FAMILY, which the last time I checked you were NOT a part of) Another thing, when talking about people first started I asked that if anything came up that needed to be discussed or even wanted to be discussed that you and I talk about it. Lastly, the spy like behavior. (spy like behavior? You and your stupid ass husband that puts up with this 'so-called' relationship you have with my brother in law, have driven my sister to the brink of sanity...There is a law.. 'alienation of affection'.. even though my bro-in-law hasn't actually slept with you.. Im sure a Judge would love to hear your idea of your relationship with Jon and then bring up Pam's spy-like behavior. We will see who comes out of court laughing!) The relationships. (There you go with that 'relationships' word again..didn't we just talk about this?) This hasn’t only affected your family, (because of you and your cult like ways)it has also affected and continues to affect mine (oh, I doubt that... affecting yours is only when Jon has obligations that he can't blow off onto my sister..lord forbid that Jon miss an extra 20 minutes of his beloved psychopathic cult neighbors).
I’m not sure “in detail” what is currently going on in your home (um, excuse me, since when is it any of YOUR business... should we scroll up to the comment about family... again, your NOT in it.. oh but I forgot, in a cult like setting EVERYONE is family... too bad Charles Manson is locked up...Im sure you and your husband by way of marriage would be welcomed into the 'family') but I know in ours there is a hole. (Is that Pam's fault? A hole? Let's see.. you have your husband, your child and yourself...whats missing? Jon? Because he can't be there 100% of his time) It’s not between Chris and I (if theres a hole in your home, the last time I checked my sister wasn't paying your mortgage and neither was Jon, so I would assume that means its YOUR house? Right?) but between Chris and Jon and Chris, Jon and I. (No see the problem is you dont have a life. You can't even invest the amount of time that you have with my sisters husband with your own husband and/or child. And Jon and Pam are a package, or at least they should be, but again many couples split up after one delves into the cult-life.... again there has to be a reason that you have no other friends) Also, there is the kids. (Wow, you acknowledged you have one. Wow, by the way you write these emails one would never know...see my sister busts her ass for hers, but your too damn worried about any more time you can get with her husband to worry about anything else. Don't drag the kid into it) I honestly mean no disrespect (you are a disrespectful every minute you breathe, not to mention how damn stupid you are for butting in to another relationship and not backing off when you overstep your bounds..oh thats right your in a cult..I guess you can use that in court. Did I mention that with an 'alienation of affection' lawsuit the person causing the stress has to pay.. so actually my sister may own your house one day.. and if so..she MAY rent it to you for oh....$10,000/month) but the bond between the three of us is stronger and for a few good reasons. (Yeah because you are a FREAK and can't realize when you are not wanted)
I asked that you really look and think about the reasons. (My sister and/or Jon doesn't have to look and freak, your crazy fantasy has been going on for over a year..what is there to think about... we are all over 35 and we have resulted to emails) It’s stronger because Jon has been there, he knows us, shared pasts, he didn’t talk about us and he put forth the effort and took the time. (if you needed him then fine...that doesn't mean its a lifelong commitment dumbass) It’s not that it wasn’t there for you, our door was always open ( I think EVERYONE in Indian Head knows your door is ALWAYS open for Jon. Wasn't Manson's door always open?) And the invitation was always there for one and all. (ok, heres the part where I said, lets make myself look good... Pams door ISNT open for you.. is she a bitch? Maybe...but no where is it written she has to like you or join your cult), I know how much this relationship means to both you and Chris (is my bro-in-law gay? maybe bi-sexual? Again with that relationship word. Jon has a friend Sean that I have known for years... Jon and Sean probably do about 0.05% of what the cult does) and obviously what it has meant to me. (It doesn't matter what crap means to you...YOU are, again, NOT in Jon's matter what you do....NEVER) I’ve watched you laugh, I’ve watched you cry, I’ve watched you hug, I’ve watched you share and I’ve watched you bond and grow. (Isn't that a little wierd to be coming from someone that is your friends wife? Isn't that something your wife or brother should be saying?) Because of each of your pasts, I know and respect how much this relationship meant and means to each. To hear of your past it’s almost like someone is telling a story. To know you both worked at the gas company for Jim and while you guys hung out neither of you went deep enough to realize how similar your upbringings were and now to reconnect years later only to find that the similarities are even more the same, it’s almost as if a higher power had something to do with it. (Oh, great, now lets bring religion into it.. good one) I honestly believe in my heart that you two were brought back together for a reason. (yeah, to destroy a family, to stress my sister out... yeah that'll look good at the Pearly Gate...remember that one)
Maybe I’m fooling myself but I see you guys together and it brings back so many memories for me. I don’t know that I’ve ever shared this with either of you but I feel it’s necessary to share it now. Chris and his brother were very close. I can remember when we were dating, first married and basically until Greg got married years later, Greg was always around. He was with us on the weekends, he was with us in the evenings, he didn’t miss an episode of Monday night raw, he was just always there. (WHEN HE WAS SINGLE YOU STUPID IDIOT) Even after being married, he was there when he could be (I am going to use your own words "WHEN HE COULD BE" did you also suck the life out of him and his wife? Did you demand every moment of existance?) and as often as he was needed. If it had to be, it’s only fitting that he too was with us only hours before he passed. The boys often talked about doing vacations, we’d all go to Wirt Co., we’d go out, we’d hangout, raising the kids, etc. (Maybe my sister and her children want to see more than Wirt County of vacation?.. There is life beyond the border of West Virginia. )They were the closets brothers I’d ever seen. When Greg died, a piece of Chris died with him. Jon, you brought a piece of that back for him and I hope he was able to do that for you. (Jon lost his brother as well, that doesn't mean you are related because of similar situations. Friendships...define them.. obviously you define it differently that all us NORMAL humans)
Ididn’t see the harm in still wanting these things nor did I realize it was a bad thing, people you can take your kids with and go to Kings Island, go to the camp, go on vacation, go out with, have cookouts with or whatever else may present itself. (IF all 4 involved want the same things...when all 4 don't.. then NO)The friendship between you guys was/is beautiful and for me to be a part of it was amazing, I‘m grateful for you! It’s not only what you were able to do for him but in turn was able to do for me. Thank you and I’m truly sorry this has happened to either of you. Chris said the other night because all this has happened it feels as if he’s lost his brother all over again and if you feel the way I know you do, I hate it as much for you as I do him, the pain! (Grow up and GET OVER IT.. let me tell you flash! JON IS NOT YOUR HUSBANDS BROTHER.) I appreciated, loved and really enjoyed the time we spent and had together, if I said I regretted it I would be lying. My question here is, how can loving someone be a bad thing? (it's all in how you define love...this whole email is freaky. Im sorry your friends wife is telling you how much she 'loves' you? Anyone else here think thats a little off?) As stated before, I wish I had “enemies” who loved my family as much as Chris and I have loved and love yours…. (You do...they're in your cult you freak... remember family) I believe you both need this, (What Jon needs is NONE of your business, its not up to you to worry about it)
I know you both love one another and I know there isn't two people who deserve to have this more, especially because all that has happened to each of you...(I can give you a laundry list of people who have gone through more.. actually pick up the phone book and randomly pick a I would win) shouldn't be asked or needed given up. (You freakiin IDIOT... it shouldn't have to even come to that point. Man you are sooo stupid.. hello...thats why my sisters relationship is where it is.. because YOU don't things have to be asked or needed to be given up. our world..your family comes first..which again, for the 3rd or 4th time..JON ISN"T IN YOUR FAMILY) Excessive talking. I was hurt when I first learned things were being said about me and my family even before I realized there were any problems, (If you can sit there and try to make someone believe that you have NEVER said anything about my sister...YOU ARE A LIAR. And, once again, my sister doesn't like you..she doesn't have to, she doesn't have to explain why... thats why we live in the USA.. its a FREE country)
Then I thought we all had a true realization of friendship. (Again by YOUR definition) After all, you both had been victims of this same behavior and to turn around and do it to “friends” and people you “love“. (My sister is NOT your friend and your idea of love comes from Manson himself) I had even asked if everything was okay and I was reassured, by the both of you, time and time again there were no problems with Chris and I, “we were loved and our friendship valued“. Once these feelings were out in the open, I asked if there was ever a question, comment, problem or anything needed to be said, that it be said to me and not everyone else but me. We’d talk about it and hopefully work it out, I’m not perfect. (Oh lord, EVERYONE knows that..and if they didn't before reading this...they sure as to hell know now) It surprised me to learn not months later but just a couple weeks later , and that maybe pushing it, things went back to the way they were, talking behind my back. (This isn't behind your back you fat cow.. this is the internet... anyone can look at my a matter of fact... im handing the web address out so that at least everyone in North Carolina and anyone I can get to read it in West Virginia can read it too) I kept my mouth shut this time, (that didn't last long, now, did it) trying to hold it in and trying to keep the peace for everyone. I wasn’t hurt this time, I was pissed and it eventually got the best of me.
I haven’t always said or done the right thing but yes there is a but, I never set out to maliciously hurt anyone, their name or their family. (Oh, I can't believe Im reading this... not out to hurt family... YOU HAVE DESTROYED A FAMILY ALL FOR YOURSELF AND YOUR SELFISH WAYS YOU CULT LOVING PIG) I could’ve said things, I definitely could have spread things, (OH YOU HAVE AND YOU KNOW IT) I could’ve done things, I could’ve set out to ruin peoples name, I could’ve tried to turn people against people, friends against friends, or try to get people to choose sides…I have yet to go that route! (Thats because all people are sucked into your cult and actually believe that you are a decent person) When I had a problem I went to one or the both of you hoping for some type of resolution. I may not have said the right thing and I may not have done the right thing, (Standing in my sisters house and screaming so damn loud that the across-the-street- neighbors heard you...yeah thats doing the right thing) I am sorry for that, but I at least came to you and not someone else! I understand and have always understood people have lives and have other things to do, I get it. (NO YOU DONT OR ELSE YOU WOULD LEAVE JON ALONE)I also understand the importance of family time. (Really, exactly when would you have family time, because except when Jon is at work he is at your house) While understanding this, your family had become part of mine or at least this is the way Chris and I felt!! (im sorry what part of Pam and the kids were associated with you? NOTHING! Which by the way, you large rectal abcess means they ARE NOT a part of your family and your Wirt County vacations) With that being said, when excuse after excuse after excuse was given as to why we couldn’t do this or why we couldn’t do that it became clear, what was seen, needed, and felt by 3 wasn’t being felt, needed or wanted by all. (No it was the fact, that Jon picked you over his own family. He would rather hurt and argue with his own wife than to tell you to leave him alone. Everyone EXCEPT Jon sees who he has chosen) I know some of the reasons for not being able to do things were legitimate, we gave a hard time but it was all in fun and never meant to hurt anyone, but let’s be honest, there were/are others, they weren’t and still aren’t all legitimate. (It doesn't matter... when EVERY excuse was used in order for Pam to attempt at keeping her family together and away from the sick ways of the cult up the street,which by the way, she was the ONLY person looking out for her family) There was always enough time, money and anything and everything else it just depended on who wanted it and who was asking. I could understand if you were just sick of being around us (oh, so saving his marriage and family wasn't a good enough excuse?) but the truth of the matter is, you were barely if ever around, so why? (What, are you a clone.. wow, didn't know they had cults that cloned themselves? Where have you been?) It can’t be the blow up of the infamous Thursday night or anything after, this was long before that, this was when we were still loved and valued as friends.(um, I don't think you were EVER valued..Pam may have tolerated you but I have never heard of her talk about you as a close friend) The spies like us behavior. The endless phone calls, checking of phone records, caller id's, checking of the bowling alley, banking accounts, emails, facebook, pumping mutual friends for information, sneaking around my house and listening through walls and most of all hacking into voicemails. (Do you like being the person that caused that behavior? Does it make you feel good at night to know that my sister is so worried about her marriage that she did that? Does it make you feel good that instead of Jon just telling you that he wouldn't add you to his facebook account that he just cancelled it? Wow... thats a stand up person now isn't it? You SHOULD be so proud of yourself...I bet your mom is proud of you too. Heck you should feel proud that Jon told you ahout that. He can't even keep information in his marriage in his own house.. again, that must make you sleep good at night) Jon, I hope you don’t get mad at me for this but I want to explain many things. There were innuendos made that made me worry. Things I hated to hear and didn’t want to hear or ever want to hear from someone I care about. Someone I wasn’t prepared or wanted to lose because of bad judgment or because I did nothing…. It upset me and truly worried me. After discussing how I was feeling, he convinced me it wasn’t anything to worry about basically just a bad judgment call/statements and something that shouldn’t have been said but nonetheless still worries me because I do care. Could you live with doing nothing, I can’t and couldn’t! I couldn’t stand by and do nothing, I wouldn’t do that to my worst enemy…not be there, not talk to, not listen to! I wanted him to know he had a friend, “that’s what friends are for”.(Again, it depends on what your definition is of 'friend' and believe me.. no sane person would want to be your 'friend')
I wanted him to know he was cared about and loved. I wanted him to see the positive in his life, big or small, and realize the things he had to be thankful for or even just make him laugh. Also, that when he wasn’t around he had people who missed him. I’ve hid my feelings from no one, this includes Chris. I do care, I am here, I do love him and I do miss him. (Can I get a psychologist to read this? Is this 'normal' for a 'friend' to be writing this to a man who is having marriage problems and this person is the reason? I think Dr. Phil needs to be called) Why would I want someone in my life that I can’t say these things about? (Manson) There are many people who feel this way about him, there are two in this house!! He’s a great person and even better friend. I have a child and I am married to my child’s father, I love and respect him. Is Jon someone I could see myself with, yes he is and I'm sure that answer would be the same for a million other girls, (Oh, so NOW the truth comes you do want something more.. then this guess about a cult couldn't be more right on. Who else would sit back and let their wife right stuff like this? Who? NO ONE!!!!!) he's a wonderful person and I swear I married his twin so it's a pretty easy answer. However, the bottom line is I'm married with a child and you two are married with two children. (Did you really say that? You admitted Jon is married, does Jon know this? Maybe you need a refresher course in sociology and human development) I am capable of loving other people it's just different! (Yes, we know...DIFFERENT) Just as I know Jon loves you, you can hear it in the way he talks about you and things he does if listened too and seen. (Really, thats why Jon still associated with your husband who called her a c***? I don't know one single man that would sit back and still let that person breathe if they called their wife/girlfriend the C word)It’s not a competition, ( oh yes it is... you can't stand one minute that Jon isn't there.. he doesn't owe you any explanation to anything. He shouldn't be made to chose, which you make him.. Do you ever think that maybe you could go 24 hours without talking or seeing him. Maybe you need to enroll in 'RA" Relationships Annonymous) it’s not a tug of war and it’s nothing to be threatened about, not for me. ( I would sure hope not. My sister is 50x better than you, not to mention she is beautiful, a loving mother and she will find someone one day that will support her and have focus on a family)
He should be able to have an outside the four walls relationship with people (again, definition) without having to be checked on or checked up on, he’s a grown man! (that has joined a cult with a wife that doesn't want any part of it.. what is so hard to understand?) The above mentioned things are wrong on so many levels. I can remember a time when I use to call you and do the same thing. I would hear a Madonna song, (oh please dont bring Madonna into this... you aren't even close to her, even on a 80's level) or a dance song if we were going dancing and play it for you. The circumstances were just different, a friend needed me and I was able to be there, I don’t regret it and I would do it again tomorrow! If I said I wasn’t hurting, I’d be lying. If I said I wasn’t pissed, I’d be lying. If I said I didn’t care, I’d be lying. If I said I wanted the friendship to end, I would be lying and if I said I regretted it, it again would be a lie. I have many feelings and emotions (don't we all know) at this point but regret isn’t one of them! For almost a year and a half, I witnessed a miracle. A very beautiful, meaningful, loving, caring…just an amazing bond and friendship! (and all along, b/c my sister didn't want to be a part of your sick relationship cult) My husband (oh wow, you have a husband.. I think this is the 2nd time you used that word. Maybe you should go back to church and hear what a higher power says about marriages and tThe 10 Commandments or the 7 deadly sins... oh don't forget the 'alienation of affection' lawsuit. Damn I should have been a lawyer) felt as if he got a piece of his life and a brother back, I gained a best friend, someone I truly care about, trust, cherish (not to mention that you want to be married to him)and I know will be there for me and my family.I don’t know where to go from here and I don’t know what else I can say. ( I do... get a life and stop breathing) I won’t continue to defend myself or the relationship the 3 of us have, this I do know.
I know this friendship won’t be what it was without trust, effort and time and even with that I don’t know that it will ever be! I do hate the fact that the “social circle” is no longer. I hate the fact if we are all going out, one or both of us won’t be there. I thought about the both of you during Halloween and New Year’s Eve, it just wasn’t the same! When Duane invited us out for New Year‘s, I first asked if Dana knew and Duane said she had thought he’d already told/invited us. My second question was if you, Pam, was aware of it. I want to move past this and move on and at the very least be able to be social. (You can forget that one) I know that was Duane and Dana’s intentions for New Year’s, hoping one good night would be the start of a new beginning because she made reference to it on the way home, I agreed and was hoping for the same. I know that’s what most of us want! (No not most of us..YOU) I don’t enjoy this, I don’t care for the drama. Maybe we’ll never get back to where we once were or maybe we were never there but to do this and act like this, I can’t and won’t do it anymore. I am better than this (don't flatter yourself.....believe me... your not) and I would like to think you are as well.If in fact one or the both of you realize someone has to choose, family or friends…please let me know because this is not what I want this to come too and I never did nor expected this, I wouldn't ask or expect you to choose. Love is selflessness and if Chris and I need to give up this friendship for the sake of family, yeah, I love you enough to do that. (Um, I think we tried this before....and you were going through withdrawals within 8 hours) It wouldn’t be easy and it isn’t anything we want to do but I also don’t want anyone to hurt or continue to hurt…not my family or yours.I do care….and none of us are promised tomorrow…. (And so many of us wish you wouldn't see tomorrow) In so many ways, I wish things were different! (Yeah, we know.. you wish you and Jon were married...we have heard that) Thanks Jon for the introduction, the email and the effort!! You mean a lot and you're a great person!!! (And again, how old are we?)
So in summary..... can we say 2 things..... numero uno... there is a reason why you don't have friends.. and numero dos (thats 2 to all you slow people)... F U!
I could list the top 10 reason why moving to Raleigh is good..but hey, I already made you a scrapbook so that you could ponder daily. Call me... I can have enough people to get your house packed and move you completely in less than 24 hours. Surround yourself with people that do want you to be happy, realize there is life beyond a******* (remember I was once married for a memorable 12 years...NOT) and hey, Im not doing so bad.... and know that you are better than the trash you are surrounded with. You are a great person, a wonderful mom and you do deserve better. Don't go another day dealing with this. I love you!
Ummm.... hello Psycho! Are you serious?! This chick is MENTAL. She acts as if your sister and her husband are also in a marriage with her and her husband. I can't stand people like this. They are like a damn fungus that attach themselves to anyone that shows them the slightest bit of friendliness. They are unhappy and incomplete in their own relationship so they look to others to complete them and create the illusion of having something in common. This bitch needs a damn hobby and a restraining order taken out on her delusional ass! Sounds like I need to allow your sister into the Smackaho tribe and bestow upon her the golden CROWBAR!
WHO IS THIS BITCH? How dare she send an e-mail justifying her obviously WRONG behaviour. This person seems to be a few bricks shy of a load boardering on delusional if she thinks what she is doing is in the name of "friendship|". I would seriously have to think about a restraining order for her.
As for Jon bringing happiness into the husband's life there is something odd about that. There seems to be a need for a psych evaluation on both their parts.
As for Jon....he needs to be given an ultamatum. Either make a committment to this family and have no more contact with these people especially that female or move out and go live over there with your "friends".
I am so sorry Pam is going through this. We'd love to have her and her family down here. I'll help move.
I beleive that Jon needs to take responsibility for the neighbors being a problem. He let them in to the relationship and he keeps them there. He is not taking care of his responsibilities and needs counseling about how inappropriate his behaviour is
Pam is a better woman than I, meaning that shit would not stand in my house. Be careful how much you tolerate, because in addition to you being hurt, it will start to effect the children.
Jon, really, please open your eyes. Don't wait until you lose your family to see what a mistake you are making. Any women that talks the way she did in that email wants a spot in your life above your wife... your wife should be and stay number one, with your children a close second. A woman who has been confronted with the fact that she is causing a problem in your relationship, yet still actively persues a relationship with you (making your wife out to be the bad guy) wants more the friendship. I think you need to prioritize the people in your life... If you wife is number one, which she should be, then you should remove people from the list her are not conducive to a harmonist lifestyle.
Good luck to both of you, and I hope your relationship can with stand the childish behavior of others. Jon remember, you do not know what you have until you lose it, and once lost it is very hard (if not impossible) to get back.
Pam is a wondreful person, mother, wife, friend, etc. She doesnt deserve the crap this bitch continues to bestow on her. The Bitch truly believes she has done nothing wrong in this, she believes in some "type" of "relationship" she has with Jon. I know it is easy for everyone that has ever associated with her or that has watched this situation play out to recognize how f-in crazy she really is. At the same time, I believe Jon has a lot of responsibility in this. If he cant recognize his wife's unhappiness or apparently not care about it, then he now becomes responsible. It does not matter if he agrees with Pam's opinions concerning this matter, she is his wife and he should support her when it gets right down to it.
Wow, this is like some shit you see on 48 hours or dateline. I was in a similar situation like this before. My girlfiend would spend time with the neighbor when I was at work. Either watching tv or running around spending MY money. That BITCH !!!! Ok, sorry that's another blog I need to post. Anyway, they both denied it and I filed for divorce. I am not saying Pam needs to do this, but until those 2 neighbor jerkoffs leave towm of Jon sees the problem then things are going to change. The bitch has issues and most likely wants Jon for herself or for some love triangle. Hell I am dumb and I can figure that one out.
Anyway, Pam I hope it works for ya.
What a total bitch this tracey is. Does she really exist and what is taking her so long to slit her wrist and do the world a favor. I know there are probably 2 sides, but just from the email she sent to Pam and Jon, even though, it was written more for Pam's ,enjoyment it just goes to show that she has more than "friendship" feelings for Jon. Goes to show that her whole intention isn't to repair the damage she has helped cause, just to add fuel to the fire. what a total freak! And what kind of husband allows this type of behavior to continue knowing how his wife feels? Probably a good reason she resulted to spy like behavior. I can guarantee it wasn't out of the blue without some sort of reason. It is obvious her feelings are not just a jealous wife syndrome. Had I not seen this email i would never have thought such psychos actually existed.Maybe on Jerry Springer, but not actually in real life. Tell your sister that Jon is and will continue to choose those self destructive psychos. Maybe when he wakes up and realizes what type of people they are, your sister will be around, but for her mental well being, I hope she tells him and the neighbors to go to hell! What is prob the saddest is that the neighbor knows she is not innocent in the breaking up of the family, yet, she feels compelled to continue. what a total bitch!
Does Jon honestly think that these people are normal friends? Any woman that would send that email with her so called sincere feelings needs a reality check. Where is HER husband in all this mess. My wife would get her ass beat if she proclaimed her love for another married man..saying how she could picture herself with. No one with a normal and sane personality actually says that. And on her announcing that she could picture herself with another woman's husband, you are lucky she hasn't gotten a restraining order on your crazy ass. What the hell? DR PHIL definitely needs to be called. I am sure he would eat that stupid bitch and her do nothing husband up and tell Jon to be a man and if he needs those people in his life then by all means, go be with them, but dont expect your wife to be sitting in the wings and just for a little insight, your kids will hate you for choosing your friends over family...regardless of what they say to your face.
WOW! Who let that bitch off her chain?? I would put a beat down on any woman trying to take my man and bust up my family. She is definitely fatal attraction material. Pam is a way better woman than I am. I would put him out and let him have all the madness he could take. I am sure it wouldn't take long for him to regret what he has lost and how he lost it.
I want to be in the Smackaho Tribe!!
Has Jon lost his mind. He is acting like a 17-18 yr old single man without a wife and children. He needs to grow up and act like a real husband and father. It appears that he could care less about his wife's feelings and the effect all this is having on his children. Pam needs to get her courage up and tell him to kiss off and move on with her life. She could find a man who would treat her the way she should be treated and be a wonderful dad to her children. There are such people. Jon will never change since he's not acknowledging that naything that he's doing is wrong. He needs to read the Bible and understand that God is first and family is second, friends are at the bottom of the list and no man is to let friends tcome between he and his family. This woman is psycho. Where is her husband in all this. If Jon were a man, he'd tell these so called friends to buzz off that his family was more important to him than they. But he won't and he won't change and she will continue to be the mainsupport. Maybe that's why he's still there, keep her working several jobs and supporting his drinking and partying with his 2 favorite people. WAKE UP PAM AND SEE HOW THIS IS AFFECTING YOUR CHILDREN. U may not realize it but they are affected by all this. Your children are being ABUSED. GET OUT. I know that you have a strong support group that would help you in any way. Look at the past, has he done things to hurt you before, if so, he's continuing and not going to change. Remember, people do not change and nothing you do or could ever do, will change the way he is. Accept the fact that he's a selfish and inconsiderate person. THINK OF YOUR CHILDREN AND HOW THEY'D BE MUCH BETTER OFF OUT OF THIS WHOLE ATMOSPHERE.IT ISN'T JUST ABT U.
Has Jon lost his mind. Does he not realize this woman is totally psycho. He has chosen these 2 friends over his wife and children. The Bible says, God is first and family are 2nd. friends are dn the list. He is a weak man and doesn't deserve Pam and his children. He doesn't want to be a husband and father, he wants to party and drink and act like a 17-18 yr old. Has he done things to hurt Pam before, if so, he won't change and don't always blame the other person/people, Each person is responsible for their own actions. Pam, your children are being ABUSED. Don't let this continue. U are being ABUSED. U can be a strong person and I'm sure have a strong support group that is there to help u. GET OUT, he won't change. He doesn't think he's doing anything wrong, it's ur problem - that's the way he justifies what he's doing. Pam can not force him to change and be the way he should be, only he can, and he's not abt to, he likes acting like a single person then having a place to come back to when he wants. Don't let him do whatever. GEAT OUT NOWA FOR YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN'S MENTAL HEALTH> This is affecting athem. Put them first. Don't let him try to convince u if u left that he cld also have the children. I'm sure with everything that has gone on, u wld get SOLE custody and definitely be the better parent. He doesn't want to be a parent to these children.
Cult sounds about right. Or else this dynamic duo wants a threesome with John..... Freaks! That goes way beyond the boundaries of normal friendships and why is John telling these people what is going on in his own home. Married people should have safety in what they say to each other. You don’t run out and tell the very people (PROBLEM) what your wife is saying! John is an idiot but not nearly as much so as Tracey. Her husband must be blind and ignorant if he can’t see what is really going on. How can a married woman say she would marry john if he was single? She didn’t say if SHE was single... Would she leave the blind deaf and mute man for him? I think so... I’m just appalled by her behavior and her over all way of thinking. Pam is a good woman. She is only trying to protect her family and that is hard to do when you have a traitor on the INSIDE!
OMG……who does this woman think she is? She has and is still destroying Pam’s marriage and family. She plain out says she LOVES JON and would MARRY JON if not already married to his twin…….She writes the email as if they are having a love affair, but everyone should just be ok with it !!! JON needs to be a husband and a father first of all…..when you love someone you always put them first, you never let people talk down to them or call them names,,,,,,when you love someone you would never be friends with people that trash talk your wife and tear her down emotionally……..He needs to step up and make a choice of how he wants to live his life and what is important to him…….It’s clear to anyone that knows Pam , that she loves her kids and has worked her butt off going to school and working second jobs just to better their lives…..What has Jon done???? Pam needs to make him choose – her or the FREAKS……if he chooses the freaks,,,,,,,good for Pam, she can move on, be happy, healthly and be happy with what she has!!! Remember Pam, you shouldn’t have to fight this hard for something that is already yours !!!!
I could have set Pam up with a nice guy, a circuit judge who was recently divorced from a bitch of a wife who left him with two kids.
This is a man who is her age, has more money than she will ever need and after I told him about her, was extremely interested. He has the same interests as she does, and their kids are relatively the same age. Can you say match made in heaven? Sure, I thought you could.
What can I say..all I can say is I tried..
As far as I know this is the third time Jon has screwed her over and rubbed it in her face. I can't see what the problem is..she's an attractive woman with a college degree who makes her own money and has a hell of a lot of class. It's not like she couldn't snap her fingers and get another man overnight because believe you me she could.
We are here for her in Boone County, up on the hill, waiting of the front porch with a cold beer and willing to listen, but you can't make someone listen to reason, they either will, or they wont.
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