Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Funny thingat work yesterday, you know Martin Luther King day. I was amazed at how many people didn't want to enjoy the holiday but come to the ER. We definately weren't as busy as we could have been but the forcast was the talk of the day. WRAL ws predicting 4 inches in Wake County and up to 8 inches in Johnston County. I told the staff I was going to walk through the lobby at say out loud, 'hey did you hear that there is 15 inches in Chapel Hill', hoping that would scare off any non-emergency related visits, and give the night shift a great night.

I figured between the threat of snow and the Presidential Inauguration that would make Tuesday a good day. I didn't have to work and around 8pm they had called Wake County schools out. There have been such few instances in the 10-12 years my girls have been alive for them to remember any 'good' snows we have had. Needless to say the girls were way to excited about NOT going to school today.

We got up this morning and everything was white. It was so beautiful. I told the girls that it hadn't snowed and they would need to get up so I could take them to school. I opened Allison's blinds and Allison looked out and saw that everything was white... and then she yelled at me!

It snowed most of the day until late afternoon, pretty steady snowfall. It was so beautiful. That is one thing I miss about being in West Virginia. So the girls have loved being outside enjoying the snow and are hoping with the temperature drop tonight that they will, again, call schools off. If they do we have already picked out a sledding site. More to come. Hope you all enjoy the pictures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the snow! Keep it there. I dont want any of it! Great pics!