Nancy says to me "I thought you were dating someone?". "Yeah, I was for about 3 years" was my reply. "What happened" she asked? I responded "I was too big of a b****." Yep, that about sums it up. She then follows up with "I thought you would be married." "Yeah, I probably would have been had I not screwed it up."

Why couldn't someone have hit me over the head a year ago? Why was I so blind when everyone else saw what was in my heart?

Beth says "I think I like the softer side, French". Really? I guess you are never too old to learn something, huh? Even if I am only 29!~
Keep the faith, French! Nobody is perfect---and if you hadn't walked down this path, you might not have figured out what is really important to you! No sense in holding back now. Besides, I think personal growth looks good on you....
You are a strong, wonderful person. Don't ever forget that. I pray that things work out for you. He is missing out on a great woman.
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