Friday, April 22, 2011

30 Seconds to Mars-Raleigh Ampitheater (in the rain)

The girls found out that 30 Seconds to Mars was coming to Raleigh about a week before.  So I got tickets.  Caitlen was supposed to go but ended up getting grounded so I had an extra ticket.  This seemed to be the week for concerts!  Chris didn't get to go to Steve Miller Band Wednesday night, but I did tell him that one of Allison's friends backed out (she was grounded) that if he wanted to go, I had an extra ticket. 
Allison ended up taking one of her friends!  It had been overcast all day but ended up a heavy misty rain that evening.  They said it was going to quit, but basically, it never did.  It was also 30 degrees colder than it was yesterday!  In the 50's.  I stay so freaking cold all the time, outside in the rain, multiple layers on, and Im still freezing!
I grabbed Lauren and of course, Allison stuck her hand in the picture.  You know, they are too big to have pictures taken with their mother.  Even if she bought the tickets, drove, bought t-shirts, etc.  I don't believe I was ever like that. 
Of course I did get a picture with Allison and her tongue.  And don't look too close, I think she's actually laughing! ha ha ha.  All in all we had a great night despite the weather.  The seats were good.  We will definately be attending more concerts here this summer!

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