Friday, January 16, 2009

End of an era...

Season 9, Gil Grissom ending episode was on last night. I have watched CSI for 9 years, not religiously and Im not some crazed fanatic that stalks the actors, but I love the show. I should have gone into forensics. This season has had some of the most memorable episodes yet and we aren't even at the end of the season. The opening episode that started Season 9 was the continuation of Warrick being shot in the alley. The 1st CSI to die, well not really the 1st most the 1st of the actors that have been here throughout the year. I had nightmares for 4 nights for the season ending episode in Season 8 when Warrick gets shot in the car.
The 24 million viewers that watch this show every Thursday night were ready for this season to begin. Its funny to watch re-runs and see how everyone has aged over the last 10 years. How grown up they have all become. Kind of funny feeling that way for a television show, huh?

The last few weeks, they have been playing re-runs on Thursday nights, last night they played the episode before the original one to air last night at 2115 first at 2015 and then went into Grissom's last episode. It was a fast one-hour episode, thats for sure. I had even told Chris I was going to cry when Grissom left. I really didn't think I would.
As the show was winding down and Grissom had been packing up his office, he made a last walk through the lab. Passing everyone who would still carry on without him. He turned and as the camera followed behind him, I felt like I was going to cry. I thought 'you can't end it like this', 'you can't just let everyone wonder what the heck Grissom was going to do'. So the screen became white and there was Grissom in his hiking gear in a jungle in Costa Rica looking at bugs. For a split second I wondered if he was going to find Sara or Lady Heather. But then just as I thought he was bug hunting, he got this look of excitement. As the camera now stands looking at him from the front and you see a female hanging clothes on a line with a camp set up, you wonder..... You couldn't really tell if it was Sara or not...but then the camera opens up to her face and it is! She stops and turns around to see Grissom standing there.... WOW! I did cry!
In all the hype of whether or not Grissom would end up with Sara or the escapade with Lady Heather meant anything.. made me wonder. They kind of left you hanging with the whole Sara thing, the last thing she did was send Grissom a video to tell him that she was ok without him. Nothing more had been said.
I found a deleted scene that never was aired in a previous episode where Kathryn comes to Grissoms apartment to watch his dog and while Grissom is getting ready, Kathryn snoops around finding a picture of Sara on his refridgerator that NOW looks like she is in the jungle, leading me NOW to figure out that, yes, in fact, they have been communicating even though the show didn't lean to that. I guess it was a great scene to leave out because they totally rocked the episode last night.
I hope the new character knows what big shoes he has to fill. Rumor has it that Gil will be making cameos hopefully next season, maybe even with Sara. But, to me, it will never be the same.

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