Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Bring on the smoker....oh....and Trey!

Tuesdays food of choice was smoke bbq, hamburgers and hot dogs.  Shae bought 4 pork shoulders and Trey estimated that they were going to need to smoke 5-6 hours.  He got there early and started on the first two.  The smell lingered everywhere.

It seems the word was out and that Rex was cooking, because the EMS traffic sure picked up as the week went on.  The BBQ was a huge hit and so was Bob.  He was on scene to ensure that Trey didn't blow anythiing up.
Of course, until I saw him in this apron.  Then, I about blew him up.  NC State?  Really Trey?  I mean I know you are from Johnston County, but please....
We love our EMS peeps!  I think the relationship has improved and EMS truly love coming to Rex.  Our EMS Liason Shae (who is my hero, in case you didn't know) works very hard and addresses any issues from our end or theirs, and I think that really helps in building a positive relationship.
I left the carving, cutting to Trey.  Luckily, he made it through without any arterial spray of any kind.
Ok...on to dinner.  Mary came to help me cook for the dinner crew.  The pork was smoking and obviously so were we. ha ha... Again, we ran through so  much food, which is good.  We had a much heavier turn out  this year.  Which is great!
Nick...Nick...Nick.... Nick is usually stationed on the other side of the county so I was surprised to see him here.  Who cares!  Just put a ring on Sarah's finger, now, will ya?  Just kidding, but had to get that plug in there!
Chris came and helped me cook last year!  This year, obviously he is working...but for some reason he kept ending up at Rex.  Thats ok...we like him.
Needless to say, thats his wife Allison.  Who doubles as a paramedic at times.  She obviously doesn't get out much, huh?
Then there was Cherine.  Who waited for her sister to show up because she was afraid to come and eat.  Well, until she saw Bob and then she didn't care!  It was a great Tuesday.

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