Keep up with our fun and crazy life that we are blessed with and hopefully you are a part of it!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Go with your 1st thought....always!
We had a blast on the cruise. I had originally asked Chris to go and he agreed. Then I changed the offer. What is wrong with me? I continue to do this ALL THE FREAKIN TIME! I got the nerve up to ask him, then I almost immediately started talking myself out of it. Those feeling inside me scare the hell out of me. Why? It is feelings I have never had before. Why are they so scary? Why should great feelings be so scary? I think its because it makes me confront them and deal with them. Its definately easier for me to hide them than deal with them. Anyways, we went and had a great time. Even spending a week with my mother! ha ha. But deep down, all I thought of was 'what if Chris had been here'. Almost every moment was referencing how it would have been if Chris had been with us. How that would have been perfect! How do you look at someone and make them understand they mean the world to you. How do you express how valuable they are to your life. I wish so much that I hadn't thrown my hands up, that I had just talked to Chris. When I told him in the beginning I would have married him, I meant it. I had never said that before. And deep down, I still wish that wish will come true! I try alot to call him or text him and before I know it, Ive closed the phone or cancelled the call. Why? What am I so afraid of? Honestly, I think because I don't think he would ever feel for me the way I feel for him. How much I care, could never be turned toward me, right? I couldn't imagine. At the great age of 29, Ive yet to experience that. Marriage for me wasn't what any girl dreams of. That relationship wasn't what any girls dreams of. But what I dream of with Chris and myself, its perfect. But like they say, Im in my own little world! Yep, that about sums it up!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Do we have to go home???
Not that any of us wanted to head home...but we always get entertained on I-95 with the South of the Border signs. My mom kept reading them ALL the way through the state of South Carolina. At one point, after we saw a sign that said something about putt-putt, when she went to read it (because Parker LOVES putt-putt), I said "if you read that sign, YOU are getting out to play with Parker and we are staying in the car", only because it was 104 degrees! Needless to say, Mom didn't read the sign...she just laughed!
It seems like every time I end up stopping they have changed it around. So everytime I know which store to stop in, it ends up being wrong.
Definately had to get a picture with the kids, Bob and the big Pedro! Well, Im not sure if this is the actual Pedro...but we will call him that for all extensive purposes..
We actually just wanted to get some tacky South of the Border stuff. The girls enjoyed trying on all the sunglasses. I would have bought all of them ,except they were $15 a piece. These reminded me of Willy Wonka glasses!
Of course, these were Parkers favorite! I think he's going to be a professional gambler when he grows up. Obviously, I hope he gets me the winner Powerball numbers when it is over $300 million! Don't worry, Ill share!
We also wanted to stop in to get some fireworks since the 4th of July is coming. Everyone got their own fireworks!
Another store, more glasses! Lauren liked these, although I think I need them for work!
I think Brianna looks like a 1950's school teacher! I think they fit the movie Grease very well!
These just remind me of a bug! Like a BIG eyed bug! YUCK! I like the glasses but not bugs!
These are perfect for something....Im not sure who they remind me of...but the girls liked them!
Parker liked these glasses even though they were girls eyes! ha ha... I love him~!
Yeah, proof that it was hot! Just plain miserable when getting out of the car! Like, take your breath away!
Not too far to go now......I did stop at Chik-fil-a to get dinner when we finally got home. Under 9 hours with multiple stops, not too bad for a carload of kids and luggage.
This, of course, reminds me that yes, I am back home! Sorry to see the vacation come to an end!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Day at Sea.....
Our Day at Sea....Brianna and I got up to head to breakfast early. We were able to grab a table outside. How beautiful! Brianna said she could definately get used to this!
We saw a waiter go by with the 'Tail' cups... Brianna had to have one, so off to the bar she went!
Not EVERYONE has a Tail cup! ha ha. As soon as the girls saw one they wanted Brianna & Allison went and ordered drinks...just for the cup!
Dinner time and should automatically think of Brianna!
Friday, June 4, 2010
21st Century - 1st Amendment

So, after issues at work and being questioned on 'issues' that anyone that knew me would know that morally and ethically it wouldn't even be questioned, I was becoming more irritated over the course of 6 weeks. Basically, I put a status on FB that didn't mention a name, didn't speak of the place of business, yet SOMEONE off my friends list, printed it and sent it to the person that was causing me issues. He then proceeded to go down a road that he thought would be my ruin as well as a promotion for him. Needless to say, that backfired.
I won't go into all the details, but a social networking site? I love Facebook, for the reason of all the people I grew up with that are now spread across the country and within seconds we can all keep in touch and be a part of each others lives, even if it is only through messages or comments. I was so hurt that someone I thought wouldn't do that, did. So again, I took everyone off, and have slowly let a few back on. But its sad in a world and especially a country that has the First Amendment, has so many news stories across the country where people are being terminated for things that they say on FB. Now, I totally agree with issues that are outright directed by saying specific names or a place of business, but not mentioning either AND someone trying to make their interpretation what it was, is wrong. Out of all the comments that were left on my status that day, 4 different people from my life took that status 4 DIFFERENT ways. Go figure!
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