I used MySpace years ago, wasn't on it to long before one of my friends said something about Facebook! Since having Facebook, I have gotten back in touch with so many people from my past that I had lost touch. With the 40 'friends' I have, the majority are family and friends that I grew up with from Charleston. Of the few friends that I have from work, I am very selective on who I actually allow to see my pages. Over the course of the last couple of years I have 'selectively' removed alot of friends from work that I didn't trust or people that I really didn't talk to alot.
So, after issues at work and being questioned on 'issues' that anyone that knew me would know that morally and ethically it wouldn't even be questioned, I was becoming more irritated over the course of 6 weeks. Basically, I put a status on FB that didn't mention a name, didn't speak of the place of business, yet SOMEONE off my friends list, printed it and sent it to the person that was causing me issues. He then proceeded to go down a road that he thought would be my ruin as well as a promotion for him. Needless to say, that backfired.
I won't go into all the details, but a social networking site? I love Facebook, for the reason of all the people I grew up with that are now spread across the country and within seconds we can all keep in touch and be a part of each others lives, even if it is only through messages or comments. I was so hurt that someone I thought wouldn't do that, did. So again, I took everyone off, and have slowly let a few back on. But its sad in a world and especially a country that has the First Amendment, has so many news stories across the country where people are being terminated for things that they say on FB. Now, I totally agree with issues that are outright directed by saying specific names or a place of business, but not mentioning either AND someone trying to make their interpretation what it was, is wrong. Out of all the comments that were left on my status that day, 4 different people from my life took that status 4 DIFFERENT ways. Go figure!
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