Friday, May 1, 2009

DanceFest at Timber Drive Elementary

This morning was DanceFest at Timber Drive Elementary. Lauren had said 'hundreds' of parents were going to be there. I didn't expect 'that' many..but when I pulled up, wow, I was impressed. They already had the entire school outside and they were all around the outdoor concrete area that DanceFest was performed. I found Julia (Alli's mom) and Lauren's class.
They had started with the Kindergarten group. Each grade got up and performed 2-3 dances. Mostly line dancing and square-dancing. When it was time for the 5th graders, they lined up by two's in a huge circle that took up the entire area. They started off with line dancing. Lauren was so happy and she really did know her steps and she went almost all the way around.
Then after they got finished they were divided into smaller 5-6 person groups. Half of them stood and did their individualized routines. Laurens group was 1st and they were so awesome. I can't believe they put the entire dance together by themselves. Leaping, clapping and all for the most part, together.
They did a wonderful job and Lauren looked like she was having a ball. I think the boys were just hoping that the girls didn't land on them. Kushan was awesome in his breakdancing moves.
Here's the group picture. All and all a pretty good group of kids. Can't believe they are heading to middle school. So when the 5th graders got finished, then it was the finale with the parents.
Proof that I was actually out there, learning how to do the Perculator. I probably spelled that wrong but it was interesting to say the least. But loads of fun. Sister Kim couldn't make it...Im sure in her 4 inch heels, it would have added to the entertainment!

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