Saturday, November 28, 2009

Where do you buy the best Christmas tree? Pop-n-Son, of course!

This is the 1st year that we have gone to get our Christmas tree the weekend after Thanksgiving! So where else would we go except to Pop-n-Son. I think they should have a frequent buyer program. We could probably end up with a free tree! There really isn't anywhere else that sells better trees. When I pulled up I noticed they had paved the driveway and also had redone a ton of stuff.

As always, there were trees everywhere! Beautiful trees. Big, small, short, fat. You name it, they have it! We are picky tree people so it usually takes us awhile. And there were a ton of people walking around so we had to be sneaky. We had to find the perfect tree!
Lauren wanted this one for her room! Not sure where we would put it, being that you can never see the floor, but it was cute!
We ended up finding one in the front section where some of the taller trees were. I told the girls I hoped we had a house one day where we could put up 2-3 of these trees up. How pretty would that be. We found one we thought was perfect. I had the girls stand there while I tried to find someone to get it for us!
Even if it doesn't need shaking, the girls think this is the funnest part. The shaker machine. ha ha. It ended up falling and the guy had to get help to get it up in the stand again.
Up on the car it went, we paid and headed home! I couldn't wait to get it in the house! It was going to be gorgeous!

Allison cut it off the top of the car for me. We then attempted to get it in the house...we didnt have much luck. We then put one of the skateboards under it and tried to move it to the deck where we could get it in the tree stand and then bring it in the house. That didn't work either.
Allison then fell on it and thats when this picture was taken. I then had to resort to getting Tarek to help us. Again, maybe another reason why I need to find a man! ha ha...

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