Sunday, November 29, 2009

Putting up the perfect tree....

After we got the tree in the house and it was actually to the ceiling, Allison started cutting the net. This was a complicated process that took both Allison & Lauren to work together in order to get it off.

She started at the bottom and then worked her way up. It was falling out beautifully! I couldn't wait to see what it looked like when she got done!

One by one she cut, they finally got everything cut and the netting out from around the entire tree. It was beautiful! I don't think we have ever had such a huge tree, it was beautiful!

Then, of course, I come around the corner to this! Nice skirt you have there Allison! Cute!

Yes, both my kids are complete opposites. Thats what makes them unique!
It actually is alot more full than this picture makes it look. It is gorgeous! I thought of Dad and the year he cut a Christmas tree down from the Capital lawn in Charleston years ago. It had to rival that. I told him he would be proud of me. It was the best tree ever!

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