Friday, April 10, 2009

What can you do with 4 1/2 dozen eggs?

Color eggs of course! And when its with a bunch of kids how much more fun could you have? Kim brought Jordan & Chase over and we had boiled 4 1/2 dozen eggs. As quickly as the kids were going through them, I should have bought 10 dozen. We had normal colors, tye-dye colors, and crayons. We had ordered pizza so that we could eat first then play.

Jordan was on the speed race to see how many he could color. He did write on some, make designs and really get some good colors.
Chase & Lauren took their time and really got into coloring each individual egg differently. Until the end and Chase just poured all the colors together. That was interesting.

Tye-dying was a new one for Easter Eggs but I thought, hey lets give it a try. There was a plastic mold to put the egg in, but you covered it with 2 sheets of what seemed like muslin. There were holes throughout the mold that you used a dropper to squeeze dye into. It actually turned out pretty well. If I had a few more eggs, I think I could have gotten the hang of it.

Chase ended up with Hulk hands. I took his picture, unaware of how glowing his hands were. But he did end up washing them....

I think everyone had a great time and the kids loved their eggs! All of them were different and beautiful! Maybe next year we will buy 10 dozen or more.
Or at this rate, they each may need 10 dozen. Of course my favorite is the one Kim made....ME ME ME ME ME! Because we all know....Its all about me! As well it should be!

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