Friday, October 24, 2008

Almost Champions!

Allisons team made it to the Championship game Thursday night. They played hard and were down by 6 runs and came back to go ahead by 2. The bottom of the last inning the other team came back and won by 1 run. Allisons team was definately the most improved for Fall season. Allison loves playing softball and cannot wait until Spring season starts. Lauren, Allison and Taylor are the 3 Supermodels. I told Allison we have to get to the batting cages once a week in the off season and I am thinking about hiring a coach to work with her once a week until Spring ball starts. She has the potential to be so much better, if she would give a little more effort. I hope that they are on the same team, and I think Im going to put it on her sign up sheet, so hopfully that will work out. I hope they remain friends forever!

Anna Banana on the other hand is another story! Anna is Lauren's younger sister and she has no shyness about her at all. I hope that both of our families remain close. They are all great!

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