Wednesday, May 21, 2008

UNC Hospital- Here we come!

Hey guys! Lauren and I ventured to UNC Hospitals today for her appointment with Dr. Richard Henderson, a pediatric orthopedist and Dr. Chandler. She had her 3rd set of bloodwork done yesterday with her 2nd MRI. I picked up her lab results yesterday, which her ESR remains at 35 and her CRP is at 8.13. I didn't have the reading of the MRI by the time I left, but got a copy of the reading while in Chapel Hill today. We are going to continue with her staying on crutches with another follow up MRI and bloodwork in 30 days. She is going to be taken off the Relafen and will just use Motrin. We are off to take a nap, as we have had a long day!

1 comment:

Em said...

YIPEEE!!!! you are blogging... I will get you all set up tomorrow at work (well I guess really today... since it is after midnight!!!)

Em =)