Saturday, May 24, 2008

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend. We woke up to some overcast weather, which didn't make the girls happy since its 'official' pool-opening day! But since Allison and I had started taking down every single box and crate from the 2nd floor attic, we decided it was best to finish that first. We did! Hooray! We got all the boxes and crates down from the 2nd floor attic down to the living room. We are having a HUGE yard sale next Saturday and hopefully selling ALL OF IT. The attic was so hot, Allison and I had to take turns being up there. Chris suggested getting a fan to blow out some of the air...I think we may look into that! Allison is such a great helper to me, I couldn't have done it without her.

We are going to try to make it to the pool tomorrow, if we get all of our lists done. Chris and I are heading over to the storage building shortly to get more kids clothes that we need t
o get rid of in the yard sale, and eventually get rid of the storage building all together. I have way too much stuff and if we plan on selling this house in the next year and moving on, then get rid of everything we can!

Anna called me this morning with the great news of getting engaged! I am so happy for her... and her ring even 'lives up to my standards!'. Can't wait to see her on Tuesday and see the rock!

Hope everyone has a great weekend! Talk to you soon!

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