Friday, June 17, 2011

Take me out to the ballgame...and the Toast Man...

We headed out again to the WV Power baseball game.  This time, it was Mom, Parker and me.  Matt was supposed to meet us there.  Mom HAD to sit where the Toast Man was.  I wasn't quite sure what the story behind the Toast Man, but I had a feeling that I was about to find out.  Mom informed me that she had the sign placed above the section where the Toast Man sits.  Which, by the way, just happened to be right behind home plate.
Now Parker knew all about the Toast Man and proceeded to tell me the entire history of Toast Man.  I found out you can actually 'Google" him and find links to the Toast Man.  Interesting.....
His own outlet, his own toaster, I mean, really, what is a Toast Man WITHOUT a toaster, right?  He knows every stat, every player for BOTH teams.  He heckles, he yells, he gets the crowd into it, and when some gets 'toasted', burnt toast flies into the stands....and peopls actually stand up, yell and encourage him to throw them the burnt toast!  Parker said he wants his job.
Parker of course, got some toast!  I mean, Parker wasn't sitting here for nothing.  And after educating me, he deserved a piece.  Probably a more burnt piece than that, but a piece of toast is a piece of toast.
Matt showed up and we caught up.  Its crazy that we haven't seen each other in many years.  We talk and text alot but haven't seen each other.
Matt ended up leaving before the end of the game.I went back and Parker had ice-cream.  WITHOUT ME! Whats up with that?  When the game ended, I had to have a pic with the official Toast Man!

Parker is such a great kid.  I love him so much.  He is always so courteous and just is wonderful to be around.  I am so proud to be his Aunt and we are having so much fun!
Mom and me!  Ive been in Charleston for a few days and she isn't getting on my nerves yet!  ha ha.  We are having a great weekend!

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