Sunday, April 18, 2010

That's High Quality C P R !

Instructor BCLS renewal was due. It was Instructors only so it was going to be a quick morning. Our Instructor status is good for 2 years but there were some changes with AHA so everyone had to be re-certified no matter what. We each went through and took turns running through infant, child and adult CPR as well as using an AED properly. After the 1st round of adult CPR, I felt a pain in my left wrist. I pulled up my sleeve and it was black and swelling. The swelling was getting bigger by the minute. I took my watch off, put some pressure on it, ran up to the ER and had Karen wrap it for me. I headed back down stairs to finish. I did the rest of my check-offs with my right hand. Oh, and I passed! Yeah! After I got home, I unwrapped it, and aside from it hurting it was black and it HURT!~ I thought that after a few days it would go away! It didn't. It took nearly 2 weeks before it got back to 'normal'.

It hurt and even after it healed completely, it was days later before it didn't hurt at all.
I told Gwen (the Training Center Coordinator) that I gave some high quality CPR and she should be proud! She got a chuckle out of it! I really should have told her Chris tied me up, but, that I didn't think was 'politcally correct'. ha ha!

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