Monday, May 25, 2009

Remembering and Honoring America's Finest...

What else is there to do today? Well, some Wake County teachers decided that they would rather give up Memorial Day in order to have the day before Thanksgiving off. Last week, Allison & Lauren both kept telling me that they had to go to school on Monday. I really thought that they were forgetting that it was Memorial Day. I never really thought that they really DID have to go but I soon found out that indeed Wake County year-round schools had school today. I had Allison text Sarah last night to tell her that she wasn't going to school, that way they wouldn't be at the house honking at 0700 to pick her up. Kim (Sarah's mom) came over this morning and asked to make sure I wasn't sending the girls. Last time I checked, Memorial Day was a national holiday, no Im not sending my kids to school. My dad, their grandfather along with many others dads, grandfathers, friends and neighbors all fought for, and gave up their lives for this country and for our freedom. My kids would not be going to school today! And wait till they see the note I send in for the explanation.
We cooked out. We had made most of the desserts last night, but got up and finished off the cakes this morning. Kim, Jordan, Chase, Josh, Patsy, Nanny, Chris, Tarek and Kelly came over. There was food for everyone. As you can see we got off to a great start. Chase sure doesn't keep his mouth closed when I don't have the camera...but for some reason he can't open it when I want a picture.

Finally after 1400 it was time to eat. Burgers, hot dogs, bbq chicken, baked beans, chips, macaroni, deviled eggs, corn was just enough to get started. Although we had been munching on the chips, shrimp, crab dip, bbq wing dip, & cheese ball all afternoon.

Nanny loved the new furniture and I think got enough to eat. She even got a new plant out of the visit today. And she wasn't leaving without it either.

For some reason, I never can get in the pictures. I think when I win the lottery Ill hire my own personal photographer. That way when there are more scrapbooks to make to celebrate days...Ill be in them! Lauren & Evelyn enjoying their 2nd round of desserts. After the cheesecake, ice-cream, Hershey Bar Cake, Vanilla Eclair and cupcakes, they wanted the 'firecracker' popsicles. What more to have on Memorial Day than Red, White & Blue.

Even Allison enjoyed a firecracker popsicle. We had a great day and were surrounded by family and friends. I hope everyone remembers why Memorial Day is here and why we celebrate it.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Catching up with Dad...

I found out Dad was going to be in town so, of course, I wanted to see him. I had picked up 7a-3p and was heading home when I found out. There was an awards dinner for Rex that night, but I had thought about not going, so I was happy when I found out Dad was going to be in town. I would definately rather see him anyway. I drove by the RBC Center thinking he was covering the Hurricanes for some reason but he wasn't so then I found out he was staying right by the RBC Center.

We went to Golden Corral with the girls and Chris and had a great dinner. I wish he lived closer or came over more often. I love my dad!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

All about Me today....Its Mothers Day!

We had planned on spending Mothers Day at Chris' mom's house. She lives on 2 acres and we were all in for a day of yard work and fun! I mean, sweating, yard work and kids...what more could you ask for? As you can see, Allison & Lauren found lots of thing to keep them busy while Chris, Kim and I mowed, trimmed, picked up get the idea.
We actually did have a great day, and I love being in the yard. The kids seem to find ways to entertain you can see.
When we got done in the yard, we ran back home to take showers before heading back over to cook-out. It was nice to have a day off and still work. But this kind of work is the fun kind. Especially with the girls being there and us all being together all day, outside together meant the world.

Lauren made her special tie out of lovely strands of tall grass. That tie stayed on pretty good even though it wasn't 'tied' to anything.
The River's Crew...Patsy, Chris, Kim (Thats Ms. Awesome herself) and Drew. What a bunch, huh?

Such a lovely picture of Kim...this was after opening her Birthday/Mothers Day stuff. Can't remember what the plaque said...but it fit!
I think this was the only picture out of 10 that I took where I didn't cut Chris' head off. Which is usually the first statement he makes after I take one. I can't help it though, either my arms have to get longer or he needs to shrink a few inches. He is 9 inches taller than me.
Patsy did get us a Mothers Day Cookie....Jordan got a piece, which was the one square off to the left..then he came back for a 2nd piece. When Kim went to cut where her name was, I gave her the 'clearing of the throat', which after looking at me and me pointing out NOT to cut her own name out, she finally realized what I meant. So then the square to the right got cut, THEN and only THEN was it appropriate for me to take a picture of the Mothers Day Cookie! It has the best names on it!
It was a wonderful Mothers Day! Anytime I can spend quality time with the girls is wonderful! I love being a mom!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Allison's new do....

I had to get pictures copied for the birthday invitations for Allison's 13th party. I didn't have one of Allison and we were actually going to head to Lake Benson to take some pictures after getting her hair cut but the clouds were rolling in so we ended up coming back home.

We headed to Patsy's today to drop off 20 bales of pine straw and get Chase & Jordan's bikes and Allison ended up heading into this tree. So I snapped a few. These are the ones we decided on (with her approval, of course) to send with the invitations.
I can't believe that I am going to have a 'teenager' soon. She is growing up so fast and is so beautiful. I am so proud of her! I love you very much Allison!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Taco night...can you tell the kids get out often??

The other half of Team Awesome, which happens to be the mother of Chase & Jordan, has tons of wedding stuff to occupy her this weekend. So I get to keep the boys. I picked them up from Laurel Hills this afternoon and we had taco night. I heard the boys like taco's so tons of tacos for us.

As you can see this is only Day 1. By Sunday Im sure Ill be committed! ha ha ha. But at least their bellies will be full.

Chase gets his 'gangsta' moves from his mother....but I think the bass is up too loud!

Hair today....

Allison will be 13 in June, I have been bugging her awhile to get a 'grown up' haircut. She got her hair cut around her face the last time and when she pulled up the back and you could just see around the face, it looked AWESOME! And I really felt like it would look great if she would continue it around the back and cut some of the length off. She wasn't too agreeable to that and was scared about getting the length cut.

But when we got there today, I showed the wonderful girl where I wanted it cut and Allison agreed. Can you believe it? I did want it a little bit shorter, but I added a bit for Allison and we both agreed. Yippee! These are before pictures. She is growing up so well and she is so beautiful.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

I got the call from Drew that my furniture was finally ready for pick up. I was so excited. We had so much to do this evening, but there was no way I was going to let a day go by, knowing my furniture was in the same city, and not have it in my living room. Jordan had a baseball game at 6p. I had gotten off work at 3p, Chris was sick, the baseball game, dinner plans with the other half of Team Awesome, and a school night.

We stopped by Patsy's house, picked up the trailer and headed to Rooms Unlimited to see Drew! Looked at some tables for the room, priced them and then headed out to load it up.
I had Lauren stand by the couch that they had already had standing up along with the loveseat. Lauren was excited to say the least but only because it was so tall. The loveseat is taller than her as well. You can see the box in the left of the picture above.

Miguel, Chris and Drew loaded the sofa and the loveseat onto the trailer. The chair went in the truck and the ottoman went in my car. The couch barely fit in the trailer. Lauren was amazed at how big everthing was and how much there was.

Here's me following my furniture..oh yeah and Chris to make sure the furniture actually makes it to my house. I think if anyone would have wrecked into him I would have gotten out and threw the beat down on someone.
Now the interesting part of getting it into the house....this ought to be fun!

Yes Keri, I do work at Wake

Keri & I both work at Rex. Keri went back to school and also added Paramedic to her resume. She got on as a RN with Wake Critical Care Mobile. Over the last few months, Keri kept saying that she had never seen me there and was wondering if I really worked there.

Today while coming out of a patients room, there she was! I raised up my hands and grabbed the camera. Here is proof Keri, just in case you forget, that yes, I do in fact, work at Wake!

Friday, May 1, 2009

DanceFest at Timber Drive Elementary

This morning was DanceFest at Timber Drive Elementary. Lauren had said 'hundreds' of parents were going to be there. I didn't expect 'that' many..but when I pulled up, wow, I was impressed. They already had the entire school outside and they were all around the outdoor concrete area that DanceFest was performed. I found Julia (Alli's mom) and Lauren's class.
They had started with the Kindergarten group. Each grade got up and performed 2-3 dances. Mostly line dancing and square-dancing. When it was time for the 5th graders, they lined up by two's in a huge circle that took up the entire area. They started off with line dancing. Lauren was so happy and she really did know her steps and she went almost all the way around.
Then after they got finished they were divided into smaller 5-6 person groups. Half of them stood and did their individualized routines. Laurens group was 1st and they were so awesome. I can't believe they put the entire dance together by themselves. Leaping, clapping and all for the most part, together.
They did a wonderful job and Lauren looked like she was having a ball. I think the boys were just hoping that the girls didn't land on them. Kushan was awesome in his breakdancing moves.
Here's the group picture. All and all a pretty good group of kids. Can't believe they are heading to middle school. So when the 5th graders got finished, then it was the finale with the parents.
Proof that I was actually out there, learning how to do the Perculator. I probably spelled that wrong but it was interesting to say the least. But loads of fun. Sister Kim couldn't make it...Im sure in her 4 inch heels, it would have added to the entertainment!