Saturday, December 20, 2008

Father of the Year goes to.....

You guessed it! Every day that goes by that I do not have to talk to Rod is a great day. And then every day that I do have to hear his voice, it proves to me why he deserves this award. Allison had multiple dentist visits last week to prepare her mouth for orthodontics next February. We had an appointment on Monday for a filling and 2 teeth extracted. The girls were at their dads on Sunday and he proceeded to tell Allison what they were going to do to her, including sticking a big needle in her mouth. Needless to say, when the girls got home and told me I wasn't too happy. I also wasn't too happy when Monday rolled around and it took me 30 minutes to get Allison calmed down in the dentist chair. Afterward, he texted me and asked 'is it over yet'. I replied, 'yes, thanks for scaring her to death, it only took us 30 minutes to calm her down'. He replies. 'i was being honest'. Lets see, is there such thing as being a father? Am I lying because I DIDNT tell her that they were going to stick a needle in her mouth? Was the dentist lying when she told her that they needed to use some orange juice spray to put her tooth to sleep? I guess we are a liars because we didn't tell?

Which leads me to the 2nd incidence in a week. Nothing suprising there, huh? I took a package to Rod to mail out UPS on Tuesday, Allison happened to be in the car and she asked him "what did you get me for Christmas". His reply 'nothing..... Grandma Shoda sent me some money so we will go shopping after Christmas and get you whatever you dont get'. HELLO? After Christmas? Thats not Christmas! And he tells this to a 12 year old who goes home and tells her 10 year old sister. Merry freakin Christmas Rod! I really tried to think that he was joking but the bigger part of me knew he isnt. He gets the kids on Christmas Eve, he has known for the better part of the year that the girls would have their Christmas with him on the 24th. And now 'nothing'. Im sure his divorced parents never pulled that one. Mine didn't. Santa came to my mom's and my dad's.

Sitting down to write this today, I initally thought I only had the 2 instances but low and behold he adds another that I can add to the list. I had gotten a 28 bottle wine celler a few months back that was clearanced 75% off. Its over a $200 cabinet and I looked and looked for other ones. The price was too good to believe. I had mentioned it to Rod so that if he got out and looked he may be able to find one for a Christmas present or birthday present of some sort. Again, too goodof a price to bypass. So today he calls and asked if I had sold it and also if he could skip the child support payment this month because he had bills to pay. I said 'no' which started him on his normal 60 second rant of how 'its all about you' and 'this is the season for giving'. And many other pleasant remarks that I am sure you can figure out. Well, I guess you can take it up with the North Carolina Child Support Office, if you feel as if they are wronging you. The last time I checked I dont calculate child support. As of January 2008 you actually pay $150 a month LESS than what you should, but does he ever remember that? Maybe thats because he wears his anal sphincter on his face.....his mouth!

So remember all you Raleigh people...if you should see this man walking the streets, congratulate him, shake his hand and remind him why he is the Father of the Year!

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