This picture was taken from our floor looking over at the pool and terrace area. The wall that is covered with plants is actually the back wall of a huge Cathedral. We never made it to the pool, but it sure looked nice.
The elevators in the hotel were a bit 'small'. Im not sure that word even gives it justice. I immediately thought of Chris when I got in it last night when we were trying to get to our room at 0200. The 3 of us were about all you could fit in there. With NO luggage. You should have seen the 3 of us WITH our luggage. Now that was entertaining.
We had to be back to the hotel before 1300 so we could catch the bus to the Indian Market. Its a huge flea market area, but lots of bargains. At least thats what I was told. We took a 10 minute bus ride and everyone knew to be back to board the bus in 2 hours. We walked through, trying to see everything, but we were so turned around, Im sure we didn't see everything. There were tons of shirts, bags, purses, that were all pretty much the same no matter which booth you were in, but then there were some places that had different stuff. I ended up getting the girls some bags (now I wish I had gotten more, so thats definately on the list for next year), got some key chains and magnets.
I found a painting that I wanted. Which you can't see it in this picture but its the size of the middle group. The interesting thing about these paintings on canvas, you can twist the canvas, fold the canvas, do anything with the canvas and the paint doesn't crack. Pretty neat. I picked one out that I wanted and was told it was $75. Let the bartering begin.....lets just say I got it for $40. It was the only thing I bought myself. Yeah! But I love it, and think Ill hang it in the dining room.
After spending an hour at the Indian Market, we headed back to the hotel for a mandatory meeting. The rooftop was pretty neat. It was a huge covered area with lots of tables and chairs. The workout facility was up here as well.
We went over how the teams were going to work and then we met as an individual team. We were on the Purple team. Later to be known as the Purple Haze. Don't worry, we have already started working on the 'activities' for next year.
After dinner, we had a group of us and headed out to climb the Lighthouse! Whats 500 steps. Out of the hotel, past Iguana Park, over to the Malecon and keep going. When we got to the end of the waterfront area and actually were beginning the steep climb, I saw step 001. Each step was plaqued with a number. When you looked up, it was a very steep climb. There were shops, stores, bars and houses all intertwined within a very quaint area. We were taking these steps pretty quickly until about step 150. At this point I knew I was never going to make it to the top. Step 150 and I had to get to 500. It wasn't going to happen. We ended up stopping a couple of times and then I felt better, I wasn't the only one that needed a break.
Yes, I did it! And it wasn't 500 steps. It was 444. WOW! And yes I'm glistening. But it was soooo worth it. It was amazing.
Seeing the lights of the city from up here was amazing. We ended up staying up here for about 30 minutes. The Lighthouse was closed, so we didn't get to go to the top but this was just as good.
This is the 13 of us that treked up the 444 steps. As you can see there are only 12 of us in the picture. Dillon didn't want in the picture so he actually took the picture for us. For ALL of us....

After seeing Dillon with ALL the cameras I had to get a picture! ha ha ha I believe at least one of these will have one GOOD picture!
Now for the trek back down 444 steps. Cherine and Dwayne were entertaining to say the least.
We got to the bottom and there were several vendors selling food, trinkets, singers entertaining, mimes.....Brad ended up getting his picture taken with this guy.
This was just past the Indian singers that sounded amazing....Im still glistening, if you can't tell! ha ha
We headed back to the hotel and for ICE CREAM. And yes, everything I had heard was 100% correct. It was amazing. So this became the ritual...well at least 2-3 more times this week.
What a way to end Dia Uno! Getting to know alot of new friends and having fun, a long way from home. Off to the elevator we went. We attempted to see how many we could fit.
I think there are six of us in there, but I don't know for sure. Chris, Brad, Parker, Cherine & me...but I swear theres someone else in there!
Met for dinner around 1800 and then we were planning on heading to the Lighthouse. Dinner was good, and then dessert. I had heard about the ice-cream and how good it was. But ice-cream wasn't what they brought us. It looked like pumpkin cheescake (almost). But it wasn't. It was flan. Sounds like phlegm. ha ha. It has a very sickly sweet taste. Too sweet for me.
After seeing Dillon with ALL the cameras I had to get a picture! ha ha ha I believe at least one of these will have one GOOD picture!
Off to bed...gotta be up by 0600 and ready to head out with luggage by 0700! Let the adventure begin.
1 comment:
I love the painting - can't wait to see it on your wall!
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