Keep up with our fun and crazy life that we are blessed with and hopefully you are a part of it!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
That's High Quality C P R !
Friday, April 16, 2010
They must eat alot of carrots!
I went home, pulled out the old mail and sure enough the registration renewal was there. I got online immediately and paid it, printed it out. The next day, went and had the car inspected, saved that copy as well. A few days later I got my sticker in the mail.

So off to court I will go in May and get it taken care of. How in the world do they see this little sticker? Really? At 70 mph? They must eat a lot of carrots!
Another Reunion....Thank You Facebook
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Angus Barn anyone?
Monday, April 12, 2010
Dad is a 10....Treatment number 10 that is!~
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Saying Goodbye to the Sherwin Williams walls....
What do you spend your $$ on?

Em and I were teaching one day and noticed we both had on Converse, so of course there had to be a picture....

Recipe for All Day Laughter & a Smile!
Yep, Final Four tickets! Woo Hoo, what an awesome experience. Welcome to the Big Time WVU! So again, Im off subject...but kind of have to fill you in on what led up to the WVU got beat by Duke. Wasn't sure if Mike was going home after that, going to the Championship game, and wasn't sure when he was going to be back at work. Sometime Tuesday I figured out he was back in Charleston, so I called Pam and asked her if I ordered a Chocolate Chip Cookie Cake could she pick it up and deliver it without Mike knowing it. She jumped on the chance. I believe her response was 'of course'. I wanted to order it from Cookies By Design, but I found out that Charleston had one but they went out of business, so I had to call my sis back to find out what cookie companies were up there. She recommended Great American Cookie Company. I called, told them I was calling from NC and wanted to order a cookie, what I wanted on it and I would pay for it but my sister would pick it up. No problem. It was set for Thursday.
I sent Pam the address and that she could pick it up any time after 11am. I was working at Wake and had put on my facebook status 'I think Im in the mood for chocolate chip cookies'. So this is when I started laughing. Some peeps that were up that early jumped on with comments like 'yummy' and 'I love chocolate chip cookies' and then my sis writes 'me too'. Again, another laugh and a smile. Work goes on...
Then the next message that pops across my phone is a comment Pam left "The Eagle has landed'. I busted out laughing so loud, everyone in A bay turned around and looked. Every little thing that kept happening made me laugh even more. Im not sure why, it just did. About an hour later another update that said Pam had posted something and it said 'C is for Cookie, good enough for me'. I laughed louder than the 1st. Of course, everyone knew about the 'cookie' but the comments kept making me laugh. I haven't heard the Cookie Monster song in probably 30 years. I still don't know how she even thought of that. Little did I know that she posted the ENTIRE Cookie Monster Song on my facebook page. I, again, laughed and had kept a smile on my face all day long. I left work around 1530 and called Pam as soon as I got in the car. Both of us were laughing so hard, we could hardly talk. But as the phone conversation went, I got a text from Mike with the picture below......
With the words 'Eagle has landed". I think I about wrecked the car. Again, more laughing and smiling. This was P-E-R-F-E-C-T! I mean, really, how much more of a perfect ending could there be. Totally awesome! So when I told Pam, again the laughing continued! I can't remember a time when I laughed so hard for an entire day. The thought even continued the next day, just the thought of it made me laugh! Its definately a scrapbook page, thats for sure. When something feels so good, it has to be right, right?