Friday, November 7, 2008

A happy circle....of friends that is...

"Friendship is essentially a partnership." -- Aristotle (4th century B.C.)

The unanimous feeling of most is that I'm a b*****. Which is ok with me, because I know the truth. My circle of friends is small for a reason. I have high standards and frequently come across people who can not live up to them. Lets see, lies...don't tolerate, 2-faced...don't tolerate! What else is there? Exactly what Aristotle said.. a partnership! Give and take. Do what you would want to be done to you. Is that so hard to understand? Obviously for some people it is. I have come to learn that my circle is small for a reason, and I like it like that. I want to surround myself with people I trust.


Em said...

i'm still in the circle right? like the inner sanctum of the circle? if not, we are going to have words...and i might have to take away your clone husband (and edward too) =)

Elizabeth said...

You know what? Sometimes it's a good idea to have high standards for friends. And there are two types of b..... the god one and the bad one. I've always been called the good one. My friends are too.