Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Thallium anyone?

We had our FEMA check off with our Radiation Preparedness yesterday! We did our pre-drill briefing and got down to business between 0830-1200. We passed! Yeah. Our patient, afterward, say how impressed she was that the staff in the decon room worked so well together. Such teamwork. Imagine that. Mike, Trey, Brownie and I work well together and I do think that makes a difference. Imagine if EVERYONE had that concept, how much you could accomplish. I thought I had uploaded other pics but I just figured out I hadn't. But don't those suits just make us look like royalty?

#1 Orthodontist....Dr. Vinson (even though we got lost)

Off on Tuesday, August 26th we headed to the 2nd 'consultation' orthodontist appointment. We went to Dental Works in Cary mid-July and was very dissatisfied with the plan of care. I had to take Allison to Dr. Riccobene ( her dentist) to see if she was missing any teeth. Luckily, she isn't but they referred us to Dr. Vinson. Wow, what a difference in consultation appointments. We followed the directions to his office off of I-40 but when it says 'approximately' 4 miles and I went 4.5 miles, so I turned around and went the 4.5 miles backto I-40 and then went 4-5 miles west on 42 and then called the office because I was afraid we were going to be late. So the original way I went was correct, I should have gone another 0.5 miles. So back we went, got there just in time and filled out one other sheet of paper only to find out I couldn't find my dental insurance card. So I called Will at work and got him to read me the numbers so they could verify coverage.

A lovely lady name Karen brought us back and talked to us about orthodontics and how their office worked and what they liked to focus on. One of the radiology techs came and took Allison for a series of pictures.

They brought her back and Karen went over things that Dr. Vinson looks at in terms of orthodontics and explains position of teeth. Dr. Vinson was running behind because the lovely patient in front of us was an hour and 10 minutes late for her appointment and demanded to be seen. HELLO.. the world doesn't revolve around you lady! But finally, he came in and was very personable and joked around with Allison. He did measurements and range of motion. WAIT...range of motion? In your mouth? Do mouths have ROM? Wow! I actually learned something today... anyways.. then we got to go through the pictures that were taken earlier and Dr. Vinson explained her arches and bites, and teeth etc. He said her bottom teeth may not need anything until the very end probably just to refine, that they, for the most part, look good. The work is going to be on her upper teeth. Allison has 2 teeth on the top that are on their way out and her cuspid on the left that needs to be pulled. I have to call to make an appointment at the dentist in order for that to happen and then a planned follow up in Feb back to Dr. Vinson to start braces... fun fun!

I did break out the camera (of course) and took some pics toward the end. Dr. Vinson even took the camera to take a picture of me! I laughed because this is one of the very few that Allison actually has a SMILE! I think just because Dr. Vinson was trying to tickle her! Either way, its great to see her smile and not make faces at me every time I try to take a picture of her!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Girl's Night---(with a bunch of 7th graders)

So we had a '7th grade' sleepover Saturday, only because Allison makes straight A's and gets ALMOST anything she wants. They had a blast, until Kayla got a splinter in her fingernail. It was HUGE and extended from the tip of her nail to the bottom. I tried and tried and finally at
0145 decided that it was going to have to wait until morning. How was I going to get this splinter out? I couldn't dare send her home with a splinter in her fingernail! Oh, what to do? So I got up, again cut more of her fingernail (which there wasn't much to cut anyways) and finally got enough of the front of her nail off that when I grasped the splinter, it really took some effort to actually PULL it out. WOW! And I can't believe that I DIDN'T take a picture of it! It was HUGE! But, hey, now I could actually send her home!

Don't they look so sweet! Sleeping that is? WOW what a difference! Oh, until the next slumber party!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Chris and his experience with Dr. Maddox!

The whole story that led up to what got us here is too long to write, but let me say that I should be getting the insurance payment that his PMD gets! Anyways, we headed to Rex to check in this past Tuesday morning. After going through registration and being asked, you have a different last name?, and your address is different? and you are???? Yes, the girlfriend!, we finally got called by Stephanie. Then come to find out Stephanie is a new hire with Same Day Surgery and that she went through orientation with Laura from the ER! Ok, she was already in the good picture. Stephanie got Chris settled, did his H & P, started his IV and gave him his lovely gown and TED's! Yes, Chris didn't know what TED's were, but oh how sexy he looked. He at first wouldn't let me take a picture of him with them on, but Chris.. its ME! I take pics of EVERYTHING! I even got a picture of him and Stephanie, I think Stephanie thought I was a little 'off', but who isn't.. remember I work in the ER! As you can see he was having fun with it.

I ran an errand for Chris and then came back to the waiting area, for another 2 1/2 hours. Chris gave me the password for the computer...but seems it didn't work! I tried everything but nothing worked. So I read magazines, read the newspaper, surfed the internet on the IPhone and then I saw the back side of Dr. Maddox. I yelled 'Dr. Maddox'. He turned and said 'what are you doing here?'. I stated 'it's me your looking for' as he pulls paper out of his pocket, I said 'you have my other half in there'. He says, 'why didn't he tell me?' as I replied 'would it have made a difference?'. He introduced me to a new MD in their group Dr. Moreno, and then explained the procedure and what he did and his POC. He stated he was heading to Recovery 1 and would be there between 60-90 minutes and then when he got to Recovery 2 I could see him.

It was close to the 90 minutes when I finally got to go back. Chris was pretty much groggy but seemed to be glad it was over. Esther was his RN in recovery and she was nice as well. He did receive 20mg MsO4 along with some Toradol. Next was the process of eating, drinking and bathroom-ing, and ambulating before we could go home. He did tolerate some Coke and crackers..which was great, and then we got him up to walk to the bathroom. He tried and tried but no such luck. Next came the bladder scanner... 119ml in the bladder, which is almost nothing... so Esther called Dr. Maddox and he said to send him home but if he didn't urinate by 1900 then go to the ER. So I told Chris we would stop and pick up a catheter on the way out, just in case... I got him up, got dressed and this time he at least let me take a picture of his sexy socks! (I really think it was because of the meds).

Now we start the process of 'healing'. He has been out of work this past week and is to follow up with Dr. Maddox on Tuesday. We did change his top dressing the other day d/t some drainage, but underneath the incision line looked great and the steri-strips were holding up well. He is still sore and certain things he has to be careful of, but hopefully each day that goes by, is a day moving forward and decreased 'soreness'.

Look what I found!

So... Since Im into the whole hardwood flooring thing, and since ALL the carpet left in my house is the ORIGINAL carpet...we all know .. IT NEEDS TO GO! So over a year ago I had pulled back the carpet from the top stair... it looked to be plywood so I covered it back up and had counted on replacing all the risers and treads with new maple flooring. I had looked online and consulted with Pam to consult with her contractor to ask numerous questions about replacing an existing staircase with new hardwood risers and treads. So Im not sure what made me uncover the COMPLETE tread...but when I did, its actually a complete piece of wood. Not maple, but NOT plywood either.... so the girls helped me take off the tack strips and the carpet staples. I couldn't believe that maybe I won't have to try to shell out the $1000 it was going to take just to complete the treads alone. So add that to the other 100 projects that need to be done BEFORE I can put the house on the market..but WOW what a difference it will make.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Alpha, Beta or Gamma?

Radiation Drill at Rex. Our practice run was yesterday, you know day 8 of 8 for me! We had class time in the morning and then lunch before running through the drill with evaluators from Progress-Energy and Shearin Harris. Of course we all look wonderful before the radiation suits....well...some of us do!
We had peeps from the ER, radiology (who the heck else is going to measure our levels of radiation?), MD's and Security. We had a great group of people and everyone worked really well together.
Putting on our suits was hilarious. Michael was across from me and as he picked up his left leg to stretch his pants, I noticed that he busted the seam in his crotch! I started laughing and I told Trey, as I am trying to keep from crying, Trey says 'Well, we know where the radiation is going!". That made me laugh even more. I didn't get a picture of the 'rip' but I should have.
All and all we did great and the real test is on August27th when we run through the 'real' thing and are evaluated by FEMA!

Taking out frustration....RN style....

How do RN's take out frustration? We do it many different ways...but on this particular weekend, we ventured to the back woods of Clayton...after dropping off the tiller at Trey's house. Brianna had some trees down in her yard..and I of course, volunteered Chris. What else does he have to do that would be more important than spending time with me? Nothing! Even though we got over there early.. it was hot and sticky. Hey, isn't that the name of Madonna's new tour.. oh, no, thats 'Sticky and Sweet'. Close enough though~! Anyways, there was a tree that was leaning on Bri's house, so Chris got up on the roof while the rest of us watched. After that was cleared, he ended up cutting the rest of the tree down that was actually growing right aside another when someone yells 'TIMBER'... it means get out of the way... Ask doesn't mean run in the direction of the tree, it means run the OTHER way. We were out there for a few hours, cutting, moving, stacking and rolling. We filled Chris' truck up with good hardwood that we will burn this winter and we have plenty to put through the chipper when Michael brings it over... Now, taking out frustration RN style, wait till you see that entry!