Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Computer Down Time at Rex!

So I went to work Sunday and even though we had extra staff for our lovely computer upgrade, it was still a little chaotic. Everyone took it in stride though...with the Sunshine Cart floating around, I think thats why everyone kept a smile on their face. haha. We went down at 1000 and were supposed to be up at 1600. Well after many delays.. it was 2130 when everything finally came up.

I went into work on Monday and in the snap of a finger, the computers went down with no notice. NOT FUN! Needless to say I don't think chocolate would fix that. After an hour or so, they came back up in the midst of everything else.

If you ever want to know what happens when you put a magnet over a defibrilator when it is malfunctioning....ask Chris! I think he actually broke the sound barrier in how quick his feet came up off the ground. Even though he laughed it off, we had to make sure he was doesn't hurt that Big Al can take care of him!

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