Ok... so heres the before and after pictures of the master bathroom. Whoever came up with the idea of popcorn ceilings should be paying people to take it down. I have looked for over a year in how to take it down...and of course Emilee has already jumped on it and by here lovely picture taking and her blog, I figured out what she was doing... and since I didn't have another thing to do today I got a wild hair and worked on the bathroom. I guess when they say, cover the walls and YOURSELF... I guess someone actually meant that. As you can see by the after pics..I didn't wear anything! Well, I wore clothes...but no goggles, no head covering...and boy how much that stuff makes a mess.. but once I scraped the 1st time, I was hooked. It was so easy and it looks so awesome afterwards...I have a feeling the rest of the house will be done soon. Rumor has it, it will increase your re-sale value between $5-7K. Its amazing what a little sweat equity will do. Hey...isn't that a tv show on HGTV?

Ill put up some pics after the new paint and moulding go up... but it looks 10 times better without the popcorn! Hope you enjoy!