Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I can't keep up with Emilee!!!!!

Ok... so heres the before and after pictures of the master bathroom. Whoever came up with the idea of popcorn ceilings should be paying people to take it down. I have looked for over a year in how to take it down...and of course Emilee has already jumped on it and by here lovely picture taking and her blog, I figured out what she was doing... and since I didn't have another thing to do today I got a wild hair and worked on the bathroom. I guess when they say, cover the walls and YOURSELF... I guess someone actually meant that. As you can see by the after pics..I didn't wear anything! Well, I wore clothes...but no goggles, no head covering...and boy how much that stuff makes a mess.. but once I scraped the 1st time, I was hooked. It was so easy and it looks so awesome afterwards...I have a feeling the rest of the house will be done soon. Rumor has it, it will increase your re-sale value between $5-7K. Its amazing what a little sweat equity will do. Hey...isn't that a tv show on HGTV?

Ill put up some pics after the new paint and moulding go up... but it looks 10 times better without the popcorn! Hope you enjoy!

Computer Down Time at Rex!

So I went to work Sunday and even though we had extra staff for our lovely computer upgrade, it was still a little chaotic. Everyone took it in stride though...with the Sunshine Cart floating around, I think thats why everyone kept a smile on their face. haha. We went down at 1000 and were supposed to be up at 1600. Well after many delays.. it was 2130 when everything finally came up.

I went into work on Monday and in the snap of a finger, the computers went down with no notice. NOT FUN! Needless to say I don't think chocolate would fix that. After an hour or so, they came back up in the midst of everything else.

If you ever want to know what happens when you put a magnet over a defibrilator when it is malfunctioning....ask Chris! I think he actually broke the sound barrier in how quick his feet came up off the ground. Even though he laughed it off, we had to make sure he was doesn't hurt that Big Al can take care of him!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Brianna Week 2

Week 2 with Brianna, was awesome, as usual! We got to babysit Kennedy. Brianna got up early with me to pick her up at her house. We ran a few errands and Kennedy was great. Everything was good until it was time to change the diaper!!!! YUCK! And it was only a wet one! How lucky.

We also had to head to NGMS for Allisons Open House for 7th grade. Brianna thought it would be cool to go to school together. I ordered her a NGMS shirt, so hopefully that will be in soon and I can send it to her. We walked through Allisons schedule and got to meet some of her teachers.

We headed out July 3rd for the Cook out for the night shift around 2200. The kids were great. We had just about everything and the girls were great helpers. Chris cooked all the meat and really knew how to light the grill. Unfortunately, it was close to 3am by the time we left and Brianna had fallen asleep in the chair. I got all the girls in the car and headed home for a short nap, because we had to be back at REX at 1000 on July 4th so that we could cook out for the day shift. They got up and were real troopers, and once again they had a blast. For some reason though the cupcakes kept disappearing... was it because Brianna threatened there would be five missing by the time we got there...hummmm?????? Can you see a pattern here????

After the cookout, we headed home for a few hours before heading to Chris's for a cookout with his family so that we could watch the fireworks from his back yard. A huge storm came through and the fireworks were cancelled. But we did eat, and headed home shortly after so that we could actually catch up on some sleep. We still had to get up Saturday early to get on the road to take Brianna back. I didn't want her to go. I wish so much that they lived here. It would be the best. I would love to be able to see Brianna and Parker every day! WOW!