Keep up with our fun and crazy life that we are blessed with and hopefully you are a part of it!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
I now OFFICIALLY have a metal mouth!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Didn't know Father of the Year awards were up for nomination again...
I had called Rod after the appointment 9 months ago to let him know what the status was and probably within a year Allison would need to have her orthodontic work started. We had discussed this years ago, knowing that both kids would probably need braces. He never said anything.
After her many follow up appointments and the last one last week, we have finally come to a start date, June 24,2009. So we left the appointment I called Rod and told him she was getting her braces on June 24, 2009, which was going to be 3 weeks. Nothing was said.
Funny thing, I told Chris that I had a conversation with Rod and that nothing was said. I also told Chris that he would wait and 'catch an attitude' about a week out. So I waited until about a week before her appointment and called him. The actual call was, I think, on Monday, June 15 because some of my mom's cookie dough was missing and I wanted to make sure I hadn't put it in his stack when he picked his up and then I also left a message about the braces. I wasn't sure if he wanted me to add it to the child support and I pay the entire payment every month or if he wanted them to draft it directly or take it off the balance of $3K I still owe him from equity in the house. Needless to say the return call I got wasn't good. I was happy that he was calling me back over the cookie dough (at least thats what I thought), until I answered the phone. I then got a 15 minutes lecture, very loudly, about how he was sure I could 'come up with words to make braces an above and beyond expense'. After I told him we both discussed this 5 years ago. He then tells me how he is going to make $20K less this year and I am working 2 jobs. I then tell him that this is his daughters mouth. He didn't seem to care. I told him his daughter was getting braces, the $5600 would be paid whether or not he helped. I then proceeded to tell him that he had 2 cars, a boat with a trailer, 2 motorcycles and a 14ft enclosed trailer. Soon after I ended up hanging up the phone.

I have gone over 2 years now since he moved in with Christine, dealing with his comments, his sarcasm, his inappropriate comments, his questioning the girls, etc. Aside from calling her a not-so-nice- name before he left, I have not once said ONE WORD about her, never questioned the kids, never once spoke ill to the kids about Rod. NOT ONCE. Yet I put up with the Chris comments, the Patsy comments, the Kim comments, the 'have you and Chris set a date yet', 'when are you selling the house, I figured you and Chris would be living together soon', the 'im not sure what you say to the kids about me', the arguing over birthday presents, AFTER I sent him an email over a month prior to her birthday. Arguing over a docking station. I asked him to get her a nice piece of jewelry for her 13th. Something special. No, he never said he was getting her a docking station until AFTER her birthday party. Then after he picks up the girls to head to Greensboro, Allison texts me and tells me 'daddy is asking me who got me the iHome'. I then immediately text Rod and tell him not to 50 question Allison. For which his response was 'asking her who got it for her is a harmless question that I wouldn't have had to ask if you would have told me who got it when I asked you-you specifically suggested that I get the iHome for her'. I didn't specifically state for him to get it for her, I told my family and Chris, Patsy, everyone what she wanted. Mainly because I did SPECIFICALLY ask him to get her a nice piece of jewelry.

I responded 'AND u never said 'ok Ill get her that' what does it matter? It doesn't, thats why there shouldn't even be a question' His response 'Anything you say. Thanks for the help in helping me get her something she would like, somethinig tells me you gave better gift giving advice to Chris, Patsy and Kim". Actually NO I gave the best advice to her father, YOU! And make a comment about 'thanks for helping me out'. You are an adult, you asked and I answered. Now, because what you want to get her has already be gotten, I am to blame? How does that make sense? Im sure I could add alot more. Hoping that one day he would finally move on and quit being so bitter. He chose his path. So many times I heard him say to me how 'perfect' she was and how his relationship with her was 'perfect'. So then why have conversations like you do with me? His mom told me once, he either says them to hurt me or it makes him feel good. Wonder which one it is? His daughter who responds to me ''its just he asks me a lot of questions and i get nervous, and then idk what to say" (on the way to Greensboro after the questions about the iHome) What do you say to a 13 year old who can not communicate with her father? Who has to feel nervous around her own father in fear of what he will say or how many more questions is he going to ask?
So again, I am assuming he is running for Father of the Year! So again folks, remind him what a prestigious honor it is, embrace him, shake his hand, and make sure to tell him to hold his head high, he sure has a lot to be proud of!